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Friday Night All-Stars Week 28

Week 27 Recap

Trevor (121-95-0) : Tyson (121-95-0)


Match #1 – KING vs. NAUGLER

These two teams are coming off such rough weeks that even combining their points, they’d still have been the worst teams for the night. Team King its quite understandable when you have two 1100s and a 1200 thrown at you that things are not going to go well. Luckily, Garry Bell (833) was there to get his team some points, even pulling off the comeback for total after being down 110 pins to Tabatha Gelardi (806) after game one. After that the next closest matchup was Wayne King (889) facing Kyle Costello (1102). They even threw poor Roy Thompson (787) right into the fire as he was on the receiving end of Alyssa Campbell’s (1219) first 1200. Team Naugler also faced some big scores but it also didn’t help matching them with a lot of low games either. On the bright side everyone on the team managed to avoid being swept, but only Jeston Bartram (976) had any chance in his match, facing Colton Youzwa (1022). Given the up and down nature of his bowling in the last month, Kevin Naugler (854) should be due for a good week, despite bowling on a pair of lanes where he is averaging only 200 so far this season.

Key Matchup

Coming into this match Adam Williamson (767) is the only member of his team to pick up a win in the last three weeks. I’d say if they want to win, they need at least one other position to pick up their stuff.

Tyson’s Pick: Team King

Trevor’s Pick: Team King


Another pair of teams coming off losses, this match really has no bearing for either team unless Team D. Gelardi blows Team Hendrickson out of the water, giving them a chance at winning aggregate. The return of Chad Hurd (745) was about what you’d expect for a guy returning off a 10-week break with some highs and a lot of lows, the match between him and Tim Hooper (785) was almost as painful as the original arm break itself. Even with the return of Chad, the team still looked the same with Cyndie Barnett (932) being the one consistent point, especially on her current six-week winning streak, pulling off the big comeback on Linda Orne (931) with a 271-247 win in the last game to take total by a single point. Team D. Gelardi had a little more individual success, success taking two wins, but ultimately walked away with less points than Team Hendrickson, due to only winning one game. The 236-pin win by Dwayne Gelardi (1097) over Andrew LaMonica (861) much to their dismay was negated by the 263-pin sweep of Calvin Cline (754) by Jayden Nickerson (1017). The other individual win came from Jesse Leyte (978) who just held onto total facing Matt Turanski (974) after a close call losing game four 221-283.

Team Hendrickson needs big scores to compete in this matchup, Cyndie can only carry them so far. If Team D. Gelardi can shore up their top half they can do a lot of damage tonight.

Tyson’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi

Trevor’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi

Match #3 – YOUZWA vs. CAMPBELL

Finally, onto some teams that actually won last week. These two teams were in fact the highest scoring on the night Team Youzwa with 3897, and Team Campbell with a league high 4268, a total I don’t see anyone touching the remainder of the season. Team Youzwa’s big win catapulted them into a comfortable lead for the second half, 11.5 points up on Team Armstrong. Last week was just a solidly well rounded night for the team as both the top half were over 900, while the anchor and third just over 1000. Colton Youzwa (1022) took the round about way to get there making a delicious sandwich inside some shit bread 196-309-331-186, and then forced Jeston Bartram (976) to eat it. Jesse Gagnon (927) picked up right where he was before his loss to Chris Dewar two weeks ago, handling Jordan Nickerson (739) quite easily, and improving to 9-2 in the second half. Of course, just slightly showing him up is Jessica Meurrens (1121) improving to 10-2 in the half, with a 308-pin sweep of Kevin Slippert (813), her third sweep this half. The absolute cherry on top for their team’s night though was Alyssa Campbell (1219) setting a new personal high, making her the 6th member of the 1200 club, and the sole suspect in the murder of Roy Thompson (787). With a low game of 272, this makes it 13 points in her last three weeks, and a 279 average over that span.

Key Matchup

The top half for Team Campbell is going to be critical in this matchup, Tabby will need at least enough to keep her team in it and its up in the air as to whether Alyssa will ride the high from last week or simmer down after back-to-back strong showings.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Youzwa

Trevor’s Pick: Team Campbell

Match #4 – COOK vs. RODYCH

One team coming off a win, the other a loss, and neither who you would expect it would be. Team Rodych had a very interesting night as you had Amanda Devenney (1036) come out guns blazing with a new season high total, and showing Gillian LaMonica clearly why she is the coach, a real case of tough love coaching. This ended up being a pretty critical matchup as they did end up losing both bottom half matchups. Jennifer Devenney (950) was in a heated battle with Chloe Fleming (954) coming down to the last game, with Jen ultimately walking away with only a single point. Her captain, Matt Rodych (869) did not fare much better as he got pushed around by Brooke Goulet (929) most of the night, only getting close due to a 150 finish by Brooke. Team Cook’s scores were only a touch better, but shooting an almost identical total to their opponents, points and totals were even harder to come by. They did however pull off the rare win grand total (by 1-pin) despite only winning one game (by 174 pins). Char McIvor (872) was the lone winner on her team, taking four points off Mike Devenney (774). Derek Sabourin (941) nearly joined her, but blew a tire in the last game letting Ray Bartel (951) pass him with a 211-182 win in game four.

Key Matchup

Team Rodych should be renamed to Team Devenney with how much the Devenney sisters are carrying the team even to this point. If they want to compete, they need the guys to put on their big boy pants and come back out to play.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Cook

Trevor’s Pick: Team Cook

Match #5 – LOURENCO vs. S. GELARDI

Both teams are coming off small wins, but in very different styles. Team S. Gelardi took the well-rounded approach, while Team Lourenco just all hopped on the back of the one person playing well that night. That one person for them was James Jubinville (1055) picking up his seventh win in the last eight weeks, adding Jayson May (909) to his victim list, also making it his third week over 1000 in the last four. Unfortunately for them this has been balanced out over the past couple months by Jon Linley (862) being the team punching bag at 1-7 over the same span, this time taking a stiff upper cut from Michael Linsenmeier (925). Team S. Gelardi’s more well-rounded approach also saw a strong night from their third Michael Young (997), continuing his torrent pace of 248-average over the last six weeks unprecedented for man everyone assumed peaked in YBC. He was well supported up top as well with wins from both Holly Chaikowski (720) who had a barn burning match with Lisa Fetch (695) and Corey Chaikowski (866) who came out on the winning side of a back and forth with TD Holland (830).

Key Matchup

Michael’s sweep last week jumped him up into the top-15 for win % which will be tested as he faces the number three in that same stat, James, one of his biggest tests in the second half.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Lourenco

Trevor’s Pick: Team Lourenco


This should be the highlight match of the night as the 8th and 10th place teams face off and only 4 points separating them. Team LaMonica comes in with the slight edge but a win here is critical for either team to not fall behind. They pulled off the upset last week taking down Team D. Gelardi, carried by their top half with Jeff Bradshaw (899) taking four points from Chris Jeffers (804) and Jayden Nickerson (1017) putting the nail in Calvin Cline’s (754) coffin as he took advantage of a low week from the struggling second spot. Team Armstrong relied a little less on their top half and a little more on their opponent not throwing well. Linda Orne (931) was the only one not over average and ironically the only loss they took, as she let Cyndie Barnett (932) makeup 76 pins in the last two games to win by one. As it the typical fashion for this season Tim Hooper (785) dominates Chad Hurd (745) once again in a match too sad to be described as Tim went into game four up three pins despite throwing only a single game over 185 at that point. The team as a whole capitalized on the low games and managed to walk away with a win that kept them right in the hunt.

Key Matchup

The first two games for Jayden are going to be the telling sign of this match I believe, when he starts with at least a 470 double he has an 80% chance at winning, and when he wins his team has a 60% chance a t winning.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Armstrong

Trevor’s Pick: Team LaMonica


Both teams coming off small losses, this match really means no harm to Team Stevenson unless they give up more than 20 points, as for team Nelson it is a big match as they only sit 0.5 points back of the A-side. Team Stevenson really nickel and dimed their points last week having three bowlers win their matches 3-2 and splitting the games 2-2. Everyone basically shot between 900-940 which panned out for everyone except Jayson May (909) who got his clock rung by James Jubinville (1055), in a one point affair that ended up being the difference for grand total. With his win over Jon Linley (862), Michael Linsenmeier (925) has now won four of his last five weeks, and is averaging 247 over that span. Team Nelson did not have the same level of consistency as they had a 300-pin swing from bottom to top total. Both Lisa fetch (690) and Cindy Cousins (795) set new season lows letting Holly Chaikowski (720) and Michael Young (997) take 8/10 points. A game three collapse saw the team’s 100-pin lead turn into being down 130 after a 956-719 beatdown. The lone survivor of this match was Tyson Nelson (976) taking advantage of a headpin filled night by Sam Gelardi (887), the pair combining for 20 headpins.

Key Matchup

Tyson has only shot between 970 and 990 for the past month, meaning Dylan has a pretty good idea of the magic number he needs to take the win tonight.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Stevenson

Trevor’s Pick: Team Stevenson

Match #8 – HOWARTH vs. FLEMING

Team Fleming should be coming in on a slight high as Brooke Goulet (929) comes in averaging 258 over the past five weeks, last week besting Matt Rodych (869). Even more so you also have Chloe Fleming (954) coming in after nearly sweeping Jennifer Devenney (950) and just last weekend being crowned a Youth Challenge gold medalist as Team Manitoba won gold. They will be met by a tough matchup as Glen Howarth (1057) comes in averaging over 262 for his past 8 weeks, and only one of those is under 1000. Last week he even edged out Trevor Cook (1045), adding yet another Snowman notch on his belt. Last week also saw Ray Bartel (951) come in clutch over Derek Sabourin (941), not only winning a 300-296 shootout but also making the 20-pin comeback in game four with his 211-186 win. Unfortunately for Team Howarth their 9-pin win in game four needed to be an 11-pin win to capture grand total as them and Team Cook finished 3741-3742 respectively.

Key Matchup

Recently the struggle for both Ray and Crain Enns (955) has been following up a good week with another good week. Seeing as both just shot over 950 this is either the time for them to break the curse, or it might be an opportune chance for Team Fleming.

Tyson’s Pick: Team Howarth

Trevor’s Pick: Team Howarth

Meme of the Week:

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