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Friday Night All-Stars Week 29


Trevor (127-94-3) : Tyson (122-99-3)



Match #1 – HOWARTH vs RODYCH

Both of these Teams are coming off losses. Team Howarth was able to take 11 points off Team Armstrong. Mark Prystupa (690) started the night off decently but after game 1 he lost his MOJO only able to take 1 point away from Holly Chakowski (863). Ryan Bannerman (735) and Glen Howarth (1053) both only took 2 points each off their opponents. The lone survivor to win his match 4-1 was Craig Enns (929) over Richard Parisian (900). Team Rodych took 9 points from Team LaMonica. 3/4 players from Team Rodych struggled to find their rhythm. Matt Rodych (820) and Cindy Cousins (878) couldn't seem to get their groove on and were both swept by their opponents Chris Dewar (992) and Alex Thompson (1173). Gillian LaMonica (805) was able to grab 2 points off Derek Sanderson (873). Anchor Brandon Mansell (1168) was able to allow Team Rodych to keep some dignity sweeping Andrew Lamonica (769). The winner of this match is going to come down to the top-of-the-line ups and who can find their rhythm first.

Over/Under: Gillian LaMonica Chop Spares (0.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team Rodych

Trevor’s Pick: Team Rodych


Match #2 – D. GELARDI vs. LAMONICA

Team D. Gelardi had a good night winning 3/4 matchups. Despite having an off night, Robbie Hendrickson (789) was able to take 4 points off Alley Bourcier (745). Dwayne Gelardi (1053) swept his Avalanche teamy Dylan Stevenson (805), and Roland Flaig (1051) took 3 off Michael Linsenmeier (981). Cordell Galbecka (874) won 2 points in the first 2 games with a 513 double, but after game 2 forgetting how to bowl he lost the night 3-2 to Michael Young (960). Team LaMonica had an impressive night taking 22 points despite Andrew LaMonica (769) getting pummeled by Brandon Mansell (1168). The rest of Team LaMonica pulled it together to carry their Capitan to a win. Derek Sanderson (873) taking 3 points despite a rocky finish he had enough oomph from the first 2 games to get him total. Chris Dewar (992) came hungry for a win sweeping Matt Rodych (820). The MVP for the team was the ringer spare Alex Thompson (1173) steam sweeping Cindy Cousins (878). Team Rodych is going to need to come hungry for a win especially since Captain Dwyane is coming into this week with some great bowling and a Singles title in the Manitoba Open.

Over/Under: Dwayne Gelardi Corner Spare Misses (1.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi

Trevor’s Pick: Team D. Gelardi



Dave Duncan (877) and Jayden Nickerson (932) took 1 point each from their opponents while Marc Steeves (1065) comfortably won the night 4-1 against Brooke Goulet (830) and was the only player to win a match. Team Stevenson similarly only had Michael Young (960) winning his match 3-2 against Cordell Galbecka (874). Michaell Linsenmeier (981) and Alley Bourcier (745) banded together for a total of 3 points while their captain Dylan Stevenson (805) got beat up on, losing 5-0 to Dwayne Gelardi (1053). Both teams are coming off a 10-point loss so I'm sure both teams are wanting the win this week but who is going to want it more? Capitan Marc Steeves is coming into this week off of a 2-week heater from tournament masters and open provincials, qualifying 1st in both events. If Marc brings that fire this week, Team Stevenson better be prepared to fire back.

Over/Under: Michael Young Middle Hits before punching a Headpin, Split or Ace (6.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team Stevenson

Trevor’s Pick: Team Stevenson


Match #4 – NELSON vs. YOUZWA

Team Nelson is coming off a loss to Team S.Gelardi only taking 12 points. Team Nelson couldn't find their chemistry but Erik Stewart (829) took 4 points gracefully from Ralph Gelardi (766). Tyson Nelson (964) stared of slow and threw a 168 but woke up half way and stole the last 3 points from Sam Gelardi (908). Geoff Born (957) was no match for Brett Hendrickson (1238) but squeaked one point with a 310. Team Youzwa also lost their match against Team Leyte only able to steal 9 points. Young gun spare Declan Gagnon (658) was able to take 1 point off Alycia Mann (768). Colton Youzwa (961) and spare Natalie Young (807) also took 1 point from Jesse Leyte (1087) and Wayne King (911). Ethan Buckman (954) is the only survivor of Team Youzwa to win a match taking 4 points from Linda Orne (917). This week both teams are going to want to win after tough losses last week. Word on the street is that Tim Hooper is ultra focused coming into bowling this week after going to concentration camp on his vacation.

Over/Under: Tim Hooper Left Corner Spares (0.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team Nelson

Trevor’s Pick: Team Nelson


Match #5 – MAY vs. LEYTE

Team May is coming off a 23-8 loss against Team Cook. Nakia Maxfield (871) had a good week but unfortunately only took 2 points off Char Hurd (871). Calvin Cline (880) was below sub par getting stepped on by Amanda Devenney (1021). Kyle Young (980) taking 3 points on the night from fellow Snowman Trevor Cook (892) was the only win on Team May. Team Leyte is coming off a nice night winning 22 points off Team Youzwa. Alycia Mann (768) did not by any means have a stellar night but managed to win 4 points, will be interesting to see what she does this week since the last time these teams faced; she shot her season high 1134. Wayne King (911) started slow but come game 2 he woke up enough to finish the night with 4 points. Linda Orne (917) had a off night only taking 1 point but was held in by captain Jesse Leyte (1087) who got 4 points from Colton Youzwa (961). Jesse finished the night with a 602 double just to make sure he had the win locked in. This week Linda is going to be hungry for a win this week.

Over/Under: Jayson May Longest stretch of frames without a headpin (7.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team Leyte

Trevor’s Pick: Team Leyte



Team Armstrong is coming off a win against team Howarth taking 20 points. David Wastle (936) filled in for Karen Armstrong aka KFA!!! and he helped the team, taking 3 points off of another spare Ryan Bannerman (735). Holly Chaikowski (863) and Kevin Boyko (1101) had a great night taking 7 points from Mark Prystupa (690) and Glen Howarth (1053). Richard Parisian (900) had a slightly less then average night but close total match only taking 1 point from Craig Enns (929). His 1 point came from a nice 312-184. Team Meurrens is also coming off a 21-point win against team Howarth. Alyssa GELARDI (1049) spared for Jessica Meurrens and helped the team out nicely taking 4 points from Jayden Nickerson (932) and only losing her 1 game by 2 pins 257-259. Combining with Chad Hurd (878) sweeping, yes you heard correctly Chad Hurd actually swept his 5 points and Jesse Gagnon (959) who took 4 points as well, this was enough to help carry anchor Brooke Goulet (830) who had an off night only able to take 1 point from Marc Steves (1065). This is probably because she was saving all her mustard for the Open where she won and is the Women's Singles rep. A hard-earned win she is taking the night off having Alyssa GELARDI step in to beat up Boyko on her behalf.

Over/Under: Alyssa Gelardi Strikes (18.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team Meurrens

Trevor’s Pick: Team Meurrens


Match #7 – LOURENCO vs. S. GELARDI

Team S. Gelardi took the win over team Nelson, but team Lourenco also picked up a win against team Costello. Last week S. Gelardi was carried to victory by spare TD Holland (1002) who shot her first 1000 against Ray Bartel (979) and Mr. Beast Mode Brett Hendrickson (1238) in a safe to say comfortable win over Geoff Born (957). Ralph Gelardi (766) picking up one point only on the night, probably because his lover Carter Schade wasn't there to support him. Sam Gelardi (908) picked up 2 points against Tyson Nelson (964), one of the wins being 184-168 (nail bitter match). Team Lourenco followed suit hopping onto the backs of captain Belle Lourenco (956) who swept Matt Turanski (887) and sub, Janna (1152) beating Kyle Costello (969) 4-1 she let him have game one to raise his hopes just to crush them immediately after.

Over/Under: Ralph Gelardi Corners (5.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team S. Gelardi

Trevor’s Pick: Team Lourenco


Match #8 – COOK vs. COSTELLO

Russell Knight (913) was the only player on Team Costello to pickup a win, after losing his first match by 11 he turned it around and came to win against spare Derek Sabourin (777), the team likely glad not have had him sparing for them last week. Team Costello saw Matt Turanski (887) get swept by Belle Lourenco and Kyle Costello (969) going up against Spare Janna (1152), was able to win the first game but then Janna decided enough was enough and pummeled him to the ground. Team Cook didn't have anyone get swept, with three of four winning their matches. Amanda Devenney (1021) had a great consistent night asserting her dominance, sweeping Calvin Cline (880). Trevor Cook (892) is looking for a win tonight after he lost 3-2 to his Snowman teamy Kyle Young (980). Char Hurd (871) and Corey Chaikowski (901) totaled 7 points against their opponents.


Over/Under: Russel Knight Middle Hits (31.5)

Tyson’s Pick: Team Costello

Trevor’s Pick: Team Cook

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